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Email Copies

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Email # 1 (Converts Like Crazy! Written by Joel Chue)

Subject: 1 "Weird Trick" to Create Miracles

Dear Friend

You're about to learn a "weird" trick that has created many miracles for
tens and thousands of people...

For example ---

This has gotten near-death patients to miraculously heal at the last minute!

And turned more people with no special skill or talents to millionaires literally overnight... than any affirmation or prayer!

Use this trick today...


Expect Miracles,


P.S Read the incredible true story behind Michael and discover the secret that truly commands the Universe. This is a "trick" you will be able to use, in only a few minutes from now

Use this "trick" today:


Email # 2

Subject: Law of Attraction Not Working? Problem Solved...

Dear Friend,

You've probably applied "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction to improve your life.

Perhaps you've visualized, recited your affirmations, said your prayers, ordered the universe, and even performed all the manifestation rituals and routines imaginable.

Well, how did it work out for you? If you're living your dreams as a result, I wish to congratulate you for your success!

But if you're like most people, and you're still unable to move forward, then you absolutely have to see this:


You see, many of the so-called Law of Attraction gurus and experts have left out a key component in the manifestation process.

Or they only briefly discuss this secret key, but they don't tell you exactly how it works.

So what is this key component? It's...


It's belief that has gotten near-death patients to miraculously heal at the last minute... simply by touching a religious object and believing it will cure them!

How about those "lucky" people who have no special skill or talent but have become extremely rich and successful... because they BELIEVE in their own abilities!

But here's the thing...

It's easy to say that you believe in something, but the actual process of believing is completely different.

Tell me... have you ever tried to convince yourself to believe in something that is not yet real or something that you've never experienced before? You know how difficult that can be.

You want to believe you're super successful, extremely wealthy, incredibly famous and more... but your inner voice says otherwise!

That inner critic is always ruining your chances of truly believing in anything you can accomplish.

Problem Solved! With this...


Hope it helps,


Email # 3

Subject: Why Most Law of Attraction 'Experts' are Wrong

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered, "What's taking so long?" when trying to use the Law of Attraction to produce changes in your life?

If you're like most folks, you've spent countless HOURS or even DAYS...

- Visualizing your goals.

- Repeating affirmations.

- Creating vision boards, reminder cards, and the hundreds of other things suggested by the "manifestation experts."

Face it. Has any of them actually worked? If your answer is a big NO, then I urge you to see this:


The problem with the way most people teach the Law of Attraction is that they direct you to focus on surface-level things...

...And completely ignore the deeper levels where real change happens.

Look at it this way. No matter how well you build a house, if the foundation is weak, and built on shifting sands, the house is going to fall down.

If you take the time to dig through the sand, and lay a strong foundation on solid rock, your house will be a LOT safer.

The same is true with the Law of Attraction. Most 'experts' teach that the Law of Attraction is based on (has it's foundation built on) your thoughts.

Can you imagine ANYTHING that more closely resembles "shifting sands"? No wonder it doesn't seem to work!

The truth is that the Law of Attraction is based on your BELIEFS, which do not change as often as your thoughts.

Furthermore, there are multiple levels of belief. You have beliefs about surface things, like how a particular interview will go, whether that cute girl or handsome guy will go out with you, or how much money you're going to make this year.

But under the surface, there are other beliefs, beliefs which are MUCH more influential in directing the course of your life.

Beliefs such as whether you are a good person worthy of having the success you desire. Whether people generally like you, want to help you, and respond well to you.

Beliefs such as how easy it is to get the things you want, how long you can be happy, and the ultimate nature of reality itself.

These beliefs are the ones you really want to pay attention to when using the Law of Attraction.

I'd like to introduce you to a course which shows you EXACTLY how to find the limiting beliefs behind any specific goal you wish to attain... ...And EXACTLY how to change your beliefs quickly and permanently.

It's called "Choose To Believe" and you can find it here:


This course gives you everything you need to start using the Law of Attraction and the full power of belief SUCCESSFULLY today.

Please let me know your thoughts.


P.S. No matter how you visualize, say your affirmations or prayers, or apply the law of attraction... all these will NOT work if you don't BELIEVE the "right" way. Here's the solution...



Email # 4

Subject: Thoughts or Emotions are Useless Without This...

Dear Friend,

It's shocking but true.

Thoughts or emotions are useless without this secret component...


It's BELIEF! Why is belief much more important than thoughts or feelings?

Because you can 'think' success all day long, day after day after day, for YEARS and not become a success. If you expect to fail, no amount of success thinking will fix it.

Obviously, beliefs trump thoughts.

You can 'feel' as happy and as loving as you want, but if you don't believe you'll actually have a fulfilling and satisfying life, you won't.

Clearly, beliefs are more powerful than emotions.

So why do so many Law of Attraction teachers focus on thoughts and/or emotions?

Because when you BELIEVE these things make a difference, they do. If your belief in affirmations isn't strong, then saying millions of them won't do anything for you!

However, if you expect to see magic just because you utter a string of words, it may very well become reality.

Belief is the core ingredient that makes all other attraction techniques or methods work.

If you want to know how to make belief work miracles in your life and propel you to achieve your dreams, then go to:


I believe in you.


P.S. If you've failed to use the Law of Attraction, visualization, affirmations, prayers and other manifestation techniques, then you have to see this:


Listen, I want you to succeed beyond your expectations, so please let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

If you have any questions or need help, just contact me at: mike-AT-choosetobelieve.net

Thanks and Best of luck, Partner!

Michael Lee

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